by in Finanzas 10/04/2017


We love investing.

Our key aims are independence, patience and constancy.

Our goal is to bring light to the investor.

Since 2013, when we founded Quiet Investment, a financial disclosure and business analysis blog, we have plowed through the pristine waters of the Spanish stock market ahead of the storms and alerted the investor to the danger of “maritime” pitfalls, as we did with Abengoa, Ohl, Gowex, Carbures and many others.

Listed as one of the few independent researches in Spain and encouraged by the financial community, we began this new project inspired by the principles that we were born out of: the protection of the interests of the investor and the creation of an independent analysis based on the most solid principles of investment.


We invite you to join #QIcommunity, the QUIET INVESTMENT COMMUNITY, through:

The INVESTOR AREA, where you will find different levels of subscription (Basic, Standard, Advance and Premium) as well as top quality financial information relative to the Spanish stock market. Exclusive content related to listed companies in our market, as well as a wide variety of complementary materials and support services including reports, training, webinars, online reviews and the value room, a collaborative platform for the exchange of information and experiences among investors from all around the world + info

We invite you to download the #QIreport PRELIMINARY, PROSEGUR and #QItraining “GROSS PROFIT MARGIN” for free, which you will find once you have REGISTERED in the Investor Area, and get to know the companies that are listed in Spain according to their capitalization segment, from IBEX35 to IBEX Medium Cap and Small Cap, through to the new AIM or Alternative Investment Market, both of growth companies and of SOCIMIS, the newly born Spanish REITs.

The investor interested in a specific company can acquire an analysis of that company and many others, coming soon in the REPORT MARKET.


We encourage the investment community to join the Linkedin “Thinking Value, Investment Community” group, a community revolved around Value Investing in which the exchange of information and investor experience will take precedence.


#QIresearch, independent financial analysis, made available to managers and other institutional investors, companies listed or aspiring to be listed in Spain + info.

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  1. Enhorabuena!!!

    Estaremos pendientes de que saquéis a la luz esos “cantamañismos corporativos” tan habituales en nuestro querido país…..

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